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This Woman Does NOT Represent Britain!

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Double Glazing Blogger: This Woman Does NOT Represent Britain!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This Woman Does NOT Represent Britain!

I'm sure that most of you are aware of the existence of this video, and I'm sure a lot of you will have watched this at some point today. I hope that you all share the same amount of shame and disgust after watching it.

The racist, abusive, vile disregard for other human beings, just trying to get on with their lives left me literally opened jawed. I would also like to make this point to anyone reading this outside of the UK, this woman does NOT represent the country as a whole. This tirade of detritus is just one deluded woman's opinion. Britain still remains an open and tolerant society, whose population is still working hard to break down social and racial barriers.

The other point of disgust to make here is the fact that she spouted her abuse with her toddler sat right there on her knee, in the thick of it. I hate to think what type of household that poor child is having to grow up in. 

I feel awful for those who were either born in this country, or moved here to better their lives. What sort of impression will this leave with them, their families and the rest of migrant population? 

I'm not against immigration. The only thing I would say is that as long as those who come here benefit our nation, abide by our laws and make an effort to fit in, then I have not a single reservation about it. And before people start to talk to me about migrants stealing jobs, a lot of them are doing the jobs that the local population refuse to do as they think they are above it and only want the gold plated jobs.

Finally, one silver lining to point out is the other white woman at the end of the video trying in vein to shut the abusive woman up. I know she used foul language, but the point she was trying to make was correct and she has to be applauded for her bravery in standing up to what was a very violent woman.

Luckily, this woman has appeared in court and I hope she receives a suitably large punishment for making Britain look like a racist scum bag of a country to the rest of the world. 

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cant agree with you more. It is sickening the views some people have. How anyone can judge people on their colour, creed, sexual orientation, social status etc is beyond belief! We, as a nation are so diverse and multicultural that is astonishing that there is this feeling out there. You hit the nail on the head with the bit about stealing jobs. I work with a few Polish lads, they work more than one job, they wouldnt be able to "steal" jobs if people on the dole were working them. Second your blog title, we, The British are predominantly are welcoming of other cultures and integrate well with others. Hope she is suitably punished and her views dont rub off on the toddler!

November 30, 2011 at 2:35 AM  
Blogger Double Glazing Blogger said...

TheWestSouth - thanks for your comment on this. I was utterly disgusted with this video. I was in two minds whether to post it on here or not as I don't think stuff like this should be promoted. But then I thought I needed to make it clear to the rest of the world that Britain as a whole is embarrassed and ashamed of this woman, and she does not represent the views of this nation.


November 30, 2011 at 10:52 AM  
Anonymous David A said...

There she is in a tirade against Poles and Blacks, saying how they are stealing jobs and ruining "my country".

It wouldn't surprise me if she was on benefits herself, having her accommodation and living expenses paid by the State.

As you say, there was one white woman near the end trying to tell her she was spouting nonsense - shame is that other passengers didn't also support her. In a paraphrase, 'all it takes is for good men to be silent for evil to survive'.

December 2, 2011 at 12:43 PM  
Blogger Double Glazing Blogger said...

David A - thanks for your comment. As far as I know, she's going to do time in jail for her outburst, which is fully deserved. But as you rightly point out, it's a shame that others didn't back the other woman up when she was trying to put things right.

Personally, if I saw some wrong-doing happening, I would step in a try to solve it, but that's just me!


December 20, 2011 at 11:18 AM  

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