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Valueable Window Websites

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Double Glazing Blogger: Valueable Window Websites

Friday, August 6, 2010

Valueable Window Websites

After stumbling on the valuating website, the novelty of it has completely taken me over! So,I thought I'd rank the national window companies based on their website's value, bit sad, but like I've said, the novelty of it is too much!

1. £87,998.72

2. £72,106.85
3. £40,483.05
4. £37,134.24

5. £12,911.08

Everest comes top of the pile, while Weatherseal come 5th. But in the grand scheme of things coming in the top five isn't that bad. There are probably other window websites out there worth more than these.

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Anonymous RCG said...

For the record, I'd be quite happy to purchase both the Anglian and Everest website for the figures quoted above. Please contact and we can get things moving :-)

August 6, 2010 at 9:43 PM  
Blogger Double Glazing Blogger said...

Anon - oh bollocks, that one slipped through! Meant to write that on the business twitter account, your comment may have to go in the morning lol. Sorry! I have to stick to what I've been doing from the beginning, no self promotion!

August 6, 2010 at 11:38 PM  
Blogger Double Glazing Blogger said...

Just to clarify - I had to remove an anonymous comment after he/she pointed out to me that I had tweeted about the business, except I did it on my glazingblogger profile instead of the business one, so naturally it had to go! The tweet was deleted, as was the comment posted pointing it out to me. I know a lot of you know who I am, and I didn't delete it for that reason. It went because this blog has to be free from self promotion, like I said it will always be, I have to stay true to my ethics!

Sorry anonymous!

August 6, 2010 at 11:40 PM  

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