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National Companies Good For Smaller Businesses

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Double Glazing Blogger: National Companies Good For Smaller Businesses

Sunday, September 12, 2010

National Companies Good For Smaller Businesses

Many in this industry at some point envisage a national company going bust, many would like to see them disappear altogether. And you can see why, if they go, then there would be more appointments for everyone else. But I think otherwise, and here's why...

Scenario: Mr & Mrs Jones are thinking about replacing their windows and doors and while watching TV they may see and Anglian or Everest advert. Mr Jones says: "hmm, why don't we get Anglian round to give us a quote?" Mrs Jones says: "Yeah go on then, but we may as well get a few other quotes too."

Nine times out of ten customers always get at least two or three quotes before making a decision. They get a national in, usually just because they know who they are and have seen them on TV, and the other 2/3 are made up of the regional ones and a local one. This is what I like to call the breeding effect. One TV advert from a national company can then lead to the customer looking around at other companies, without the other businesses spending a single penny on advertising to secure that lead, it was done for them by the TV advert kicking them into gear! If the nationals suddenly disappeared, then the advertising would go, then who would be there to peddle the public into getting quotes? At the moment smaller business feed off the consequential 'looking around' effect.

Another good reason why the nationals need to stay is for their sales tactics. They're absolutely dire. Safestyle, Anglian and Everest still use the old hat hard-sell tactics in a big way. The consumer is much more savvy to this sort of thing, so instead of falling in their traps, they are becoming annoyed and disgruntled and end up showing the rep the door out of pure frustration and anger! Lovely! So in comes the local company with the pressure free service, much more pleasant and relaxed, and 100 times more likely to win the order than the national company ever was.

You see, nationals have played a big part in our industry. They have helped other businesses attract leads without spending big money on advertising, and they've helped others win orders by pissing off the customers in their own home! So, long may they stay, they're doing all of us a great service!

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Anonymous Stephanie Wright said...

I think this is a very short-sighted view!! You may be able to ride on the back of another companies failing, but all 3 companies mentioned are obviously doing something right or they would not be in a position to spend on TV & radio marketing campaigns. I don't disagree small companies may offer a more personal services, but one should never under estimate the power of a brand!!

September 13, 2010 at 12:16 PM  
Blogger Double Glazing Blogger said...

They could be doing something right, but remember they will also have big bank backing, maybe supporting the advertising campaigns. If one of them fails to meet their financial obligations then they are in bother, just like Anglian got themselves into their mess.

Look at the brand SafeStyle have got. Yes everyone knows their TV advert, but because the majority find it so annoying! Then you here of the endless horror stories to do with that company and their sales tactics.

I would say that Everest have got their adverts right, and create the more polished image than the other two do. It's hard to make a good double glazing advert, but Everest seem to have made a pretty good one with their latest effort. It's just a shame they are the most expensive company on the planet!

September 13, 2010 at 12:31 PM  
Anonymous Mike @ Roseview Windows said...

I disagree, because double glazing is rarely an impulse buy.

The nationals' use TV adverts to create a strong brand, so that when someone decides they want double glazing, they automatically fill one of their three quote slots with a name they remember from the telly (and, in an ideal world for Everest/Anglian etc, don't bother going to anyone else). Occasionally you might get someone who is prodded into action by a TV ad, but generally I think they're going after people who already know that they're going to change. That means that the nationals are taking enquiries away from locals, rather than generating them.

Also, even if local companies do get a few enquiries off the back of the nationals' advertising, you have to make sure that you're one of the extra one or two companies that get the enquiry. And that means doing exactly the same as the nationals - advertising.

September 13, 2010 at 1:45 PM  
Anonymous Chris/BoxSashWindows said...

Mike I agree in principal with your views but your overlooking the fact most householders want a personal, considerate service. More householders are waking up to the fact small business care more.

Large business makes smaller business conversion easier. I have spent years taking work from my competition even if they are timber as opposed to plastic. The pricipal is still the same.

March 3, 2011 at 6:02 PM  

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